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Boston Scientific Goes the Xtra Mile for Corporate Social Responsibility

Not often does one associate running 26.2 miles as part of a company’s philanthropic responsibility; but Boston Scientific employees are making their debut on the Special Olympics MA Xtra Mile Boston Marathon Team.

PLAN to Ensure a Happy and Healthy future for your Loved one

When you are supported and taken care of, you are empowered to do so much more. This is the philosophy of our Official Special Needs Trust Partner, Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of MA & RI (PLAN).

Lieutenant LJ Jedrey hits the road to help Special Olympics MA reach $1 Million this Plunge season

LJ Jedrey, Andy Larose and Al Pires are headed to Michigan to retrieve an incredible, unique vehicle that will help Special Olympics MA on its road to $1 Million… the Bear Force One.


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Boston Scientific Goes the Xtra Mile for Corporate Social Responsibility

Not often does one associate running 26.2 miles as part of a company’s philanthropic responsibility; but Boston Scientific employees are making their debut on the Special Olympics MA Xtra Mile Boston Marathon Team.

PLAN to Ensure a Happy and Healthy future for your Loved one

When you are supported and taken care of, you are empowered to do so much more. This is the philosophy of our Official Special Needs Trust Partner, Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of MA & RI (PLAN).

Lieutenant LJ Jedrey hits the road to help Special Olympics MA reach $1 Million this Plunge season

LJ Jedrey, Andy Larose and Al Pires are headed to Michigan to retrieve an incredible, unique vehicle that will help Special Olympics MA on its road to $1 Million… the Bear Force One.

Robins Kaplan provides more than two decades of support to Special Olympics

Year after year, Robins Kaplan, LLP has hosted a golf tournament at the Myopia Hunt Club in Hamilton, MA. In the 22 years that the tournament has been held, over $1 million has been raised to benefit Special Olympics athletes.

Helping People Live Their Best Life

Family is the heart of everyone's life. Sometimes members of our family need some services to help them live their "best" life.

MLS Unified All-Star makes strides toward sports broadcasting dream

With both a passion for soccer and the dream of becoming a sports broadcaster, Radley Theolien went into MLS All-Star week as not only an athlete representing the New England Revolution Unified Team, but as a man-on-the-ground reporter.

Worcester State University Special Olympics Cheerleading Program Heads to Gillette

When Special Olympics cheerleaders stepped onto the field during the last local flag football game of the season at Worcester State University, they were met with a wave of support from football players, coaches, families, and friends.

3 Tips for Engaging Employees with a Corporate Social Responsibility Program, Virtually

By finding ways to engage employees in virtual opportunities, businesses can foster continued growth for their company and the community.

Special Olympics Massachusetts Announces new Exclusive Special Needs Trust Partner

Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Massachusetts and Rhode Island (PLAN of MA & RI) makes a $100,000 commitment to Special Olympics Massachusetts to provide resources and promote inclusion.

Robins Kaplan Golf Tournament Provides Critical Funds

In 2020, a lot of events had to be canceled including many of our in-person fundraisers. We are incredibly thankful to the team at Robins Kaplan LLP for getting creative with their annual golf tournament.

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Speed Skating is my Favorite Sport

An experienced World Games athlete, Adams, previously competed in 2009 World Games in Idaho and the Special Olympics National Games in Iowa. But for Adams the 2017 World Games in Austria was different.

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Special Olympics: Full Circle

Kate Dyer has been involved with Special Olympics Massachusetts since 1997, first as a coach and Unified Partner, and now as a parent to both a Unified Partner and an athlete.

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Norwood Public Schools Pass the Torch to Kickstart Unified Sports Season

On Thursday, October 14th, Norwood Public Schools organized a district-wide opening ceremony and inclusive walk to demonstrate their participation in Special Olympics MA’s Unified Champion Schools program.