Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Special Olympics Massachusetts celebrated a record-breaking 2024 with $1M raised in the Polar Plunge, Yousef’s Boston Marathon ride, the first athlete on the LETR council, Statehouse Day for Inclusion, and a new Hall of Fame class.
At the 22nd Annual Robins Kaplan Charity Golf Tournament, Colin Davidson amazed participants by sinking a birdie, demonstrating the incredible talent of Special Olympics athletes and surprising everyone with his skill and confidence.
New England PGA Pros gathered for the 4th Annual Birdies 2 Benefit at the Andover Country Club. The event raised funds and awareness for Special Olympics Massachusetts and featured nearly 50 participants looking to sink the most birdies.
Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
Despite having an intense fear of heights, Amanda Fowle has participated in Over the Edge for more than a decade to support Special Olympics athletes.
The experience of being a coach taught me how to pass along my experience to others, see the development of one or more athletes, and giving them something to learn about when playing that sport.
To say Ryan Dixon is a worthy Special Olympics Massachusetts Hall of Famer is a bit of an understatement. Ryan has played almost every sport available in the state, raised many thousands of dollars through various fundraisers...