Ryan Dixon Hall of Fame Induction

To say Ryan Dixon is a worthy SpecialOlympics Massachusetts Hall of Famer is a bit of an understatement. Ryan hasplayed almost every sport available in the state, raised many thousands ofdollars through various fundraisers including the Polar Plunge and Boston JollyJaunt 5K. On the field, Ryan’s skill has brought him to multiple SpecialOlympics USA and World Game. On the training ground, his personality has madelifelong friendships, brought new people into the Special Olympics movement andmade countless people feel included.


The refrain from friends, family andneighbors was “isn’t Ryan already in the Hall of Fame?” because he carrieshimself like someone who has done it all. On June 5, 2023, all was made rightwhen Ryan was inducted into the Special Olympics Massachusetts Hall of Famealongside coaches and local program coordinators, Lynn McCarthy of WestSpringfield and Dalene Basden of Lynn.

Video credit: Erin Fish & Ali Phaneuf

To say Ryan Dixon is a worthy SpecialOlympics Massachusetts Hall of Famer is a bit of an understatement. Ryan hasplayed almost every sport available in the state, raised many thousands ofdollars through various fundraisers including the Polar Plunge and Boston JollyJaunt 5K. On the field, Ryan’s skill has brought him to multiple SpecialOlympics USA and World Game. On the training ground, his personality has madelifelong friendships, brought new people into the Special Olympics movement andmade countless people feel included.


The refrain from friends, family andneighbors was “isn’t Ryan already in the Hall of Fame?” because he carrieshimself like someone who has done it all. On June 5, 2023, all was made rightwhen Ryan was inducted into the Special Olympics Massachusetts Hall of Famealongside coaches and local program coordinators, Lynn McCarthy of WestSpringfield and Dalene Basden of Lynn.

Video credit: Erin Fish & Ali Phaneuf


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